Pet Owners

What to expect

Specialist care at your local vet

If you and your Veterinarian have identified a problem with your pet that your Vet believes would benefit from a specialist medical assessment and treatment, they will contact us and arrange an appointment for your pet.

A large number of procedures that used to require referral to a specialist centre can now be performed to the same level of care at your local veterinarian. This is the benefit that a mobile specialist provides.

We offer a mobile service that allows your pet to remain in the familiar surroundings of your regular veterinary practice. Your beloved pet remains in the care of your regular Vet, with whom you and your pet have an established relationship of trust. Your pet does not have to travel, often significant distances, whilst unwell and stressed to an unfamiliar hospital environment. Instead the specialist comes to your pet.

Click below to learn more about the advantages of a specialist.

Advantages of a specialist

Types of procedures

Insight performs a wide variety of procedures. Our commonly performed procedures include ultrasounds and endoscopy.

Ultrasound is an invaluable and non-invasive diagnostic test to examine the heart or organs within the abdominal cavity. During the examination, your pet will be lying on his or her side being supported by a nurse. Some patients require sedation for ultrasounds.

Endoscopy is another useful tool to examine the inner workings of the body without the need for surgery. For endoscopy, a full general anaesthetic is required and pets need to be fasted.


At the completion of the procedure(s) we will provide you with a verbal handover. We no longer supply USBs for environmental reasons.

For procedure(s) performed by Clint, a comprehensive written report will be submitted the same day via email. For procedure(s) performed by our other clinicians, a comprehensive written report completed by Clint, will be emailed the following day.

Pet fasting informationPet owner forms & handouts